If you look closely at this picture, you can see that Isabelle has her travel neck pillow around her waist and says it's her boppy like mommy! She puts her baby on it like Logan lays on my boppy when I nurse him. Surprisingly, she hasn't tried to actually nurse her baby dolls yet! She likes to say that her boppy is "Izzy sized!"
It is not uncommon to see Izzy sitting in this swing, or Logan's bouncy seat, or lying on his playmat. I understand there are probably some jealousy issues going on and she wants to be the baby. However, she is getting better with this, and thankfully she's light enough to not break his things yet!
Jeremy's mom was here for most of the summer and actually just went back home to Erie today. Mary drinks decaf tea everyday and Isabelle has joined her in this ritual. She has her pour tea in her little tea cup and Isabelle insists they put their cups on napkins.
Although she is in the prime of her terrible twos and having a little brother come along hasn't helped, I can also say that she's never been sweeter. She's been so loving and she will often just randomly hug me tight around my neck and say "I love you sooooooooooooooooo much!" She drives me nuts sometimes, but I couldn't love her more.