Monday, August 22, 2011

Crazy Girl!!

Isabelle has been so silly and so funny lately. Her personality is totally coming out more and more everyday. We are amazed at some of the things that come out of her mouth lately. In the picture above you can see the mess she had made on our living room floor. I swear the girl is a human cyclone! She can destroy a room in a matter of minutes. However, we are working very hard on cleaning up one mess before starting a new one! As you can also see in the above picture, she's sporting her straw hat. Lately, every morning when we come into her room to get her she has taken out her basket that has her hats in it and she's wearing one. She then proceeds to make Jeremy and I wear one of her hats as well (too bad I don't have pictures of that!)

If you look closely at this picture, you can see that Isabelle has her travel neck pillow around her waist and says it's her boppy like mommy! She puts her baby on it like Logan lays on my boppy when I nurse him. Surprisingly, she hasn't tried to actually nurse her baby dolls yet! She likes to say that her boppy is "Izzy sized!"

It is not uncommon to see Izzy sitting in this swing, or Logan's bouncy seat, or lying on his playmat. I understand there are probably some jealousy issues going on and she wants to be the baby. However, she is getting better with this, and thankfully she's light enough to not break his things yet!

Jeremy's mom was here for most of the summer and actually just went back home to Erie today. Mary drinks decaf tea everyday and Isabelle has joined her in this ritual. She has her pour tea in her little tea cup and Isabelle insists they put their cups on napkins.
Although she is in the prime of her terrible twos and having a little brother come along hasn't helped, I can also say that she's never been sweeter. She's been so loving and she will often just randomly hug me tight around my neck and say "I love you sooooooooooooooooo much!" She drives me nuts sometimes, but I couldn't love her more.

Monday, August 15, 2011

1 month old

Sweet sleeping baby

Hanging with Daddy

I don't think it will take too long to pass up Izzy in size!

All ready for his first time at church

Can't believe a month has passed already since our sweet Logan came into our lives. It's only been a short time, but I already can not imagine life without him. He is so precious and is really a good baby. He continues to grow and grow, he currently weighs just over 10 lbs. He is a good eater and is overall a pretty content baby. Like most, he cries when he is hungry, sleepy, dirty diaper, etc., but doesn't do much crying for no reason. For the first few weeks he was consistently up every three hours during the night, which was to be expected. For the last few nights, however, he has been sleeping in 5 and 6 hours chunks! (don't worry I was knocking on wood as I wrote that!) He has also started to make the occasional cooing sound and we've seen a few intentional grins. As far as his relationship with Izzy goes things are getting better. She is still competing for attention and acting out, but not nearly as bad as it was. She also still randomly attacks Logan, but again not as often as before! We've learned to never turn our back on the two of them even for a second! All in all, we're settling in as a family of four and really loving it. We are thankful for our precious son and the joy he has brought to us.

Monday, August 1, 2011

2 weeks old

Logan 2 weeks old

Isabelle 2 weeks old

Logan 2 weeks old

Isabelle 2 weeks old

What do you think? Similar or different?

On July 27th, Logan was two weeks old. The first two weeks were kind've a blur. Between the lack of sleep, getting used to having a newborn again, breastfeeding again, and dealing with all the issues of having a 2 1/2 year old with a new baby was all pretty exhausting!! However, as we are now going on three weeks, things are starting to settle down. Logan is a very good eater and still sleeps quite a bit. After having fits of screaming after every feeding, we realized he was suffering from acid reflux. At his 2 week appointment, the doctor started him on Zantac and he's doing much better now. Taking care of Logan is a breeze compared to taking care of Izzy these days!! She has had a real hard time adjusting to having her baby brother at home. She has been misbehaving and acting out a lot and doing things she never used to do. She is being very defiant and also isn't sleeping well. Not to mention, she pinches and pulls Logan's hair any opportunity she gets!! It's been very difficult to deal with her behavior since we know it's mostly due to all of the changes. On the other hand, hurting Logan and much of her behavior has been completely unacceptable and we've been having to punish her A LOT! We've had several talks with her about all of these issues and constantly reassuring her of how much we love her, but I hope she is starting to understand that Logan needs our love and attention too. As time goes on, I believe she will start settling into her new role as big sister and this new normal in our home. We are so thankful for our sweet Isabelle and our new blessing Logan.