Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Having fun outside after dinner

My little swinging princess
Climbing the slide...his favorite thing to do these days

Carving the turkey

Our spread!

Waiting for the food

Cousins visiting Thanksgiving night

Turkey Coma!!

I know, I know, I'm a couple months behind!! Anyway, I just wanted to post a couple pics from Thanksgiving.  For the last several years I've had to work Thanksgiving, but I was actually off this year! I was excited to make dinner for my family and spend the day watching the parade and just eating lots of food!  Jeremy was in charge of the Turkey, but I made all the rest.  It was me, Jeremy, the kids, Jeremy's dad and Jeremy's brother. Later that evening my sister and her family came over for some dessert.  Thankfully, all the food turned out good and we had a nice, lazy day!  It was a nice day and we even made it out to play in the backyard some.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

23 weeks

As I near on 6 months in this pregnancy I can't believe I'm well over halfway through my pregnancy! Jeremy and I were talking about how slow my pregnancy with Izzy went because we didn't have much else to distract us.  Logan's pregnancy wasn't quite as slow because we were busy with Izzy, but this pregnancy is just flying by! Between work, family, kids, preschool, church and activities the days just come and go so fast.    As far as physically I'm feeling pretty good these days.  The nausea/vomiting finally abated around 16 weeks.  I feel like i'm in the honeymoon period of the pregnancy where I'm not too large to be comfortable, but no longer sick.  However, I'm quickly approaching the too big to be comfortable stage! I'm finding that things like picking stuff up off the floor and leaning over to give the kids' baths is really hard to do!! Also, this little boy is definitely a mover and a shaker! He squirms around a lot and I can feel him getting bigger and bigger.  We are all excited to meet this new little man.  Izzy informed me today that she used to not be happy about the new baby because he is a boy...but now she is happy.  Please continue to pray for us as my pregnancy progresses and we try to adjust and prepare as a family.

Reclaiming the title of Worst.Blogger.Ever!

I somehow managed to erase all my pictures from Halloween, Izzy's 4th birthday and a couple belly shots in between!! I don't know how this keeps happening!! Anyway...stay tuned for some holiday season pics :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Patch Logan

During the summer we noticed Logan's right eye wandering out at times.  Sometimes I thought my own eyes were playing tricks on me because it was so quick. Incidentally, we took him to the doctor for an ear infection and she noticed it as well.  She referred us to a pediatric opthamologist in Charleston, SC.  We went to his appointment at the end of July.  The doctor said he had a condition called strabismus, which is basically just a wandering eye.  She said most of the time his eyes were straight, but it didn't take much to get his eye messed up and wandering.  She said the first step was to try patch therapy.  We put a patch over his eye for one hour every other day.  The whole idea is to cover his strong eye to force his weak eye straight in order to see.  She said he still may eventully need corrective surgery, but they try these less invasive techniques first.  However, we have actually seen a pretty big improvement in his eye since we started patching. We used to see it wander briefly several times throughout the day.  Now, sometimes he'll go a whole day and I won't notice it.  My first thought when she told me about the patching was "yeah right, lady, like a one year old is going to keep this patch over his eye for an hour!"  I was very surprised when we first put it on and he messed with it a few seconds then forgot about it! It's sticky around the edges like a band aid so he'd have to pull pretty hard to get it off.  We've realized the best time to put it on is first thing in the morning when he's eating breakfast in his high chair.  The kid loves to eat, so not much distracts him from it.  We put a few pieces of cereal on his tray to keep his hands occupied while we apply the patch and by the time we start feeding him breakfast he's forgotten about it.  

Friday, September 28, 2012

Baby Pryce #3

This picture was taken at 11 weeks!


Most of those who check our blog this is not new news!! However, I don't want this baby to feel cheated if I don't blog the pregnancy like I did the others!!  I seriously have very little free time these days, but I'm making a point to do better with taking belly pics and documenting the big moments of my pregnancy.  I love you so much already, little baby, but your big sister and brother keep me very busy! Anyway, as I'm writing this I'm almost 14 weeks.  The nausea/vomiting has yet to subside, but the steroids my doctor put me on are helping a lot.  I feel like my morning (noon and night!) sickness seems to get worse with each child.  Good thing this ones my last :)  If this pregnancy follows suit with the others, it should be subsiding in the next week or two.  Other than that, I feel like my belly popped out WAY early with this baby.  However, I guess I have to take into consideration it was only a year ago that my belly way stretched to the max with Logan.  I'm super excited to find out the sex of this baby.  I have an appointment in less than two weeks, so I plan to beg my doctor for a quick gender scan.  Anyway, we are all super excited about our precious blessing.  I've begun to feel a few flutters, so I'm looking forward to feeling all the movement, which was always my most favorite part of pregnancy.  Since this will be my last pregnancy, I want to really enjoy it and savor every moment....which will be easier to do when i'm not sick!!  Obviously, Logan has no idea what's going on, but Izzy's response when you ask what's in mommy's belly is "ANOTHER baby!"  I guess in her mind, it wasn't that long ago that Logan was in my belly.  She is set on me having a girl and she wants to name her Sally, haha.  If it is a girl, I'm going to hate breaking the news to her that we will not be naming her Sally!  So..plan on seeing more update on my pregnancy, as well as a lot of other catching up on the blog.  We appreciate your prayers for our growing miracle. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Logan's 1st Birthday!!!

My sweet boy when I came to get hime from his crib on the morning of his 1st birthday!

Those sweet chubby thighs and the way he loves his bottle reminds me that he's still just a baby : )

Daddy with the birthday boy

Love that sweet face

Sissy was excited about his birthday too

My first baseball glove from Uncle Tanner!

Jeremy's cousins and their kids were in town and came over to celebrate

This was his expression while we were singing to funny

What's this all about?


Ok, I'm over it...ready for a nap now!

Our precious boy

Had another family party with different family members in town a few days later...this was baseball themed

mini baseballs on a stick!

Logan with his grandma

Cake again? I could get used to this!

And again, he is over the cake, thumb in the mouth, ready for  a nap!

Present time!

Wow, time really flies!! Seems like just yesterday I was bringing home my baby boy from the hospital and now he's one!  We had two seperate parties on two different days with different family members that were in town.  Although he did enjoy the cake and presents, I think he was over all the hype!  He has really gotten mobile over these last couple of months.  He crawls at turbo speeds and pulls up on everything possible.  He catches himself standing along a lot and like to push things with wheels on them.  I feel as if he'll be walking very soon.  He is on whole milk now which he loves, but we're still working on the sippy cup. As far as eating, this kid eats EVERYTHING!!!  I feel like half of the day is spent with him in his highchair being fed.  I always say I'll just keep offering bites until he refuses them, but he rarely does!! I end up having to cut him off in fear that he will puke (which he has before!)!!  He's not very picky and likes most everything.  He totally skipped the baby food thing and eats only table food.  I know for a fact he eats more than Izzy.  It's so funny because I have to bribe her to eat just a few more bites and at the same time i'm cutting him off.  He screams for his next bite, so we've been working hard on sign language.  I want him to know screaming for food is not very polite : )  He's coming around with his sign language.  As far as real talking goes, he says dada a lot.  No mama yet, but he's experiementing with lots of different sounds.  He claps all the time and loves to do "so big."  He has 6 teeth now and I think he's working on a couple more.  He's a great sleeper.  He takes two naps a day.  A morning nap around 10 and an afternoon around 3. Each one is about 1 1/2 hrs.  He goes down for the night around 7:30 and will sleep till about 8.  He's become such a boy lately, he loves to bang toys together, pound on tables and throw any toy that's in his way!  He is still extremely smiley and so easy to get to laugh.  He has the cutest belly laugh and is the most ticklish baby I've ever seen.  What an awesome year we've had with our little man and we're excited to see what adventures his next year brings!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Trip to Erie

In June we made a trip to Jeremy's hometown of Erie to go to his cousin's wedding.  Since we had just made a long car trip in May to NY, we decided to fly this time.  Unfortunately, we could only get a late flight, but it actually didn't end up leaving until 10:30 at night! I had given both the kids a late nap in preparation and they were actually really good on the flight.  We flew into Pittsburgh and had to rent a car and drive 2 hours to Erie.  The kids slept on the way there and we all went to sleep when we got there. It was a fun week of weddings, going to the zoo, visiting family and doing things around town.  It was VERY hot however, and since it's not usually very hot up there, Jeremy's mom's house doesn't have air conditioning!! We had lots of fans, but the kids did not sleep very good all week.  

The day before our scheduled flight, we drove back to Pittsburgh and stayed in a hotel.  The kids had fun playing in the pool with their grandma, while Jeremy and I went into Pittsburgh and saw a Pirates game.  We had a great time and all was well...until Jeremy got a call from the airline at 2 am saying our 7 am flight was cancelled!! We couldn't believe it, and they said they couldn't get us another flight until 3 days later! Since that definitely wasn't an option, we hopped in our rental car and made the 12 hour trip back to South Carolina.  Not exactly how we planned it, but we made it home safe!

The kids in their pj's waiting for our flight!

Logan got to meet some of his Daddy's cousins for the first time!

Izzy had a great time playing with Jeremy's cousin's daughter Nariah

My little cutie pie

Had fun at the wedding, so glad Jeremy's cousins babysat the kids so we could go!

Going to the Erie Zoo!

This is Jeremy's cousin's son, Eli.  Believe it or not, this child is two months exactly older than Logan.  I swear he looks like a 3 year old!  In this picture Logan is 11 months old and Eli is 13 months, but he makes Logan look like an infant!

Logan and Jeremy on the train at the zoo

Baby boy is worn out

Friday, July 6, 2012

A little late...Easter

Just realized I never posted my pictures from here goes!

Izzy really wanted a pink she was very excited when she got one :)

My handsome boy

All decked out for Easter Sunday

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lake George

Last month we drove up to Lake George, NY to spend a week with my brother and his family and my parents.  We had a really amazing time.  We got to meet my brother's new baby Brooke and they got to meet our sweet Logan.  It was a beautiful home in the mountains right on the lake and it was a very memorable trip for sure.  It was so fun having all the cousins together playing and having fun.  We did some fishing, riding bikes and many nights around the fire pit.  We went into town a couple times and ate a lot of good food.  The total drive was about 15 hours that we broke up into two days.  It was a little rough on the start, but once we got in our groove the rest of the drive wasn't bad, the kids were really good.  

Here's Logan all ready for breakfast. This picture makes me laugh when I look at the expression on his face.

Thomas and Izzy were like 2 peas in a pod all week

Family pic in front of the lake

Sweet Brooke!  I was so happy to meet her finally.  She is such a sweet, precious baby girl

Kids watching their morning cartoons

Logan getting some lovin from his Uncle Thomas and Aunt Elise

Ice cream with Mamaw and Papaw!

5 kids ages 4 and under in one house for a whole week!

Izzy had her first taste of fishing and she loved it, she even caught a little fish!

This house had an awesome firepit, the kids loved making smores

I hate living so far from my big brother...there were some tears shed for sure when we left.

The awesome house we stayed in.