Sunday, July 22, 2012

Trip to Erie

In June we made a trip to Jeremy's hometown of Erie to go to his cousin's wedding.  Since we had just made a long car trip in May to NY, we decided to fly this time.  Unfortunately, we could only get a late flight, but it actually didn't end up leaving until 10:30 at night! I had given both the kids a late nap in preparation and they were actually really good on the flight.  We flew into Pittsburgh and had to rent a car and drive 2 hours to Erie.  The kids slept on the way there and we all went to sleep when we got there. It was a fun week of weddings, going to the zoo, visiting family and doing things around town.  It was VERY hot however, and since it's not usually very hot up there, Jeremy's mom's house doesn't have air conditioning!! We had lots of fans, but the kids did not sleep very good all week.  

The day before our scheduled flight, we drove back to Pittsburgh and stayed in a hotel.  The kids had fun playing in the pool with their grandma, while Jeremy and I went into Pittsburgh and saw a Pirates game.  We had a great time and all was well...until Jeremy got a call from the airline at 2 am saying our 7 am flight was cancelled!! We couldn't believe it, and they said they couldn't get us another flight until 3 days later! Since that definitely wasn't an option, we hopped in our rental car and made the 12 hour trip back to South Carolina.  Not exactly how we planned it, but we made it home safe!

The kids in their pj's waiting for our flight!

Logan got to meet some of his Daddy's cousins for the first time!

Izzy had a great time playing with Jeremy's cousin's daughter Nariah

My little cutie pie

Had fun at the wedding, so glad Jeremy's cousins babysat the kids so we could go!

Going to the Erie Zoo!

This is Jeremy's cousin's son, Eli.  Believe it or not, this child is two months exactly older than Logan.  I swear he looks like a 3 year old!  In this picture Logan is 11 months old and Eli is 13 months, but he makes Logan look like an infant!

Logan and Jeremy on the train at the zoo

Baby boy is worn out

Friday, July 6, 2012

A little late...Easter

Just realized I never posted my pictures from here goes!

Izzy really wanted a pink she was very excited when she got one :)

My handsome boy

All decked out for Easter Sunday