Monday, April 28, 2008

11 Weeks! - Second Doctor's Appointment

Well, the first trimester is nearing the end, and I couldn't be happier!! However, I have been feeling much better this past week. I haven't thrown up in almost a week and food sounds good again! I'm so excited that I'm starting to feel like myself again and really looking forward to enjoying the rest of my pregnancy. We had a doctor's appointment today and everything looked great. I was really surprised that my doctor did another ultrasound today, he even did some 4d shots! It was incredible!! It was cool enough seeing the old kind and seeing the profile of the baby and when he pulled up the 4d picture it was unbelievable. We could see the baby moving around and it was actually playing with the umbilical cord and had it wrapped around it's arm! We are so excited and so thankful and blessed that our baby is growing and forming just as it should. It's still hard to believe that this miracle is happening right inside of me. Please continue to pray as our little one grows like crazy during this second trimester!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I've been tagged!

This whole blog thing is new to me. I did orignally plan to use it to keep my friends and family in the loop with my pregnancy, but I'm not learning you can really just get on and talk about anything you want to!! So, my friend Miranda "tagged" me and in response I answer these questions below:

Four jobs I've had:

1. Dunkin Donuts

2. Secretary
3. File Girl

4. Critical Care Registered Nurse

Four movies I've watched more than once:

1. Grease!

2. Pretty Woman

3. Dumb & Dumber

4. Big

Four places I've lived:

1. Owensboro, KY

2. Hopewell Junction, NY

3. Lynchburg, VA

4. Myrtle Beach, SC

Four TV Shows I watch:

1. American Idol

2. Jon & Kate plus 8

3. The Bachelor

4. The Biggest Loser

Four places I've been:

1. Ecuador

2. Cozumel, Mexico

3. Los Angeles, CA

4. DisneyWorld!

Four people who email me regularly:

1. My mom

2. with the daily dish!

3. K-Love with the daily scripture verse!

4. Occasionally friends from back home or from college

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Pizza

2. Ice Cream

3. Steak

4. Mexican food

Four places I would like to visit:

1. Hawaii

2. European tour

3. Israel

4. Alaska

Four things I'm looking forward to in the coming year:

1. The birth of our baby!

2. Learning the sex of our baby...but not until it's born!

3. Seeing our baby's face for the first time

4. And of course, visiting all our wonderful friends and family we have on a few trips we have planned this year!

It's been a crazy few weeks!

Well, it's been about three weeks since our last post. These 3 weeks have brought a lot of different things. As far as regular life, not a whole lot is going on. We're both just working and enjoying a little bit of nice weather which will soon enough be an everyday happening. As far as my pregnancy, the remainder of week 7 continued with the everyday queasiness. There were many days I thought I would just die! It did ease up for a little while with just a green moment here and there, however week 9 brought something brand new to the table! Without trying to sound too graphic, I did a lot of throwing up this past week!! I didn't have a lot of continuous nausea, but it would more or less hit me suddenly and I would have to throw up. I threw up several times at work, a lot at night time at home and I even threw up in the bathroom of Firehouse Subs! However, I can honestly say that I can deal much better with randomly throwing up then feeling continuously nauseated for hours on end! This past Friday I worked and had one of my worst days yet, but knock on wood I've felt pretty good these last couple of days. Tomorrow starts week 10, so maybe I'm over the hump!! Sorry to make this post all about my ailments of pregnancy! However, we are so thankful the Lord is forming this baby perfectly and giving it the hormones it needs to grow... so it's definitely all worth it! Please continue praying for our little one during these vital weeks. I don't know if many other people would notice, but I definitely have a little "baby bump" going on! I'll post a picture next week so it will be exactly 4 weeks from my last picture.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

March 31 - 7 weeks - First doctor's appointment!

We had our first doctor's appointment this past Monday. We found out that I am seven weeks pregnant and we have a due date of November 16th!! The appointment went well, the doctor said everything looked good. We saw the little flicker on the ultrasound and when he turned up the volume we heard the heart beat!! It was such an amazing sound! It's almost as if I didn't believe I was pregnant until I actually saw it. Weeks six and seven have introduced me to the nausea that comes along with pregnancy. It seems as if it it's almost a constant state of queasiness that is worse or better at different times of the day. Every day seems to be different, some days it's slight queasiness all day long, sometimes I feel fine except at night, some days it's worse in the morning and night with a few hours of relief in the middle of the day. All things considered, I'm handling it ok, I know this too shall pass and it is during this time that our baby's growing and forming like crazy. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as the Lord is forming this baby and that we'll learn to cope with the nausea! Above is our baby's first photograph, it's amazing how it just looks like a little blob right now, but it will form into a baby! I also posted a "before" picture of me so you can watch my belly grow through the months!

March 14, 2008.....Surprise I'm Pregnant!

As most of you know, we were married September 1st of 2007. We knew we wanted kids pretty soon, but were very surprised to learn that I was pregnant just six months after we married...however, we were completely ecstatic!! I had been feeling kind of strange lately(without going into too much detail!) so one Friday after leaving work I decided to pick up a pregnancy test. I really really didn't think it would be positive, so I took the test, walked out the room, made some food and changed my clothes. I was just dilly dallying around the house, when about 10 minutes later I decided to glance at the test I knew would be negative! Low and behold there were two pink lines!!! I started freaking out, my heart was pounding and I was shaking!! Jeremy was at work, so I called my sister and said "Jill, I think I just had a positive pregnancy test!" I told her I would buy another test and come to her house. I did, and of course, it was positive as well. I was so happy I felt like I was floating on air. I called my parents and my brother, who were all suprised, but thrilled. I knew there was no way I could wait for Jeremy to come home that night to tell him. So, I jumped in the car and drove up to the restaurant! I called and asked them to have him come outside for just a minute. He was surprised to see me there and thought something was wrong. He came up to the car, and I just blurted out that I was pregnant! A huge smile came across his face and he said "are u really?!" I said yes I am and showed him my positive test. He stood there dumbfounded for a minute and then said, well, we're slammed I have to go back inside, but we'll talk later. He gave me a kiss and off he can only imagine what his next few hours at work were like!! So that was the night we learned about our precious baby. We're so thankful for this miracle the Lord has given us. Just another side story that Jill told me when I told her I was pregnant...the night before that I was over at Jill's visiting with her and the kids, and after I left, little Robert said "momma, when's Aunt Amber having her baby?" And of course Jill said, well, she's not pregnant, she has to be pregnant to have a baby. Little Robert proceeded to say..."it's building up inside her!" Doesn't that give you chills??!! He and I have always been very close, it sounds like he had some kind've intuition about it! Please pray for us as the Lord is knitting this little one together in my womb.