Sunday, April 20, 2008

I've been tagged!

This whole blog thing is new to me. I did orignally plan to use it to keep my friends and family in the loop with my pregnancy, but I'm not learning you can really just get on and talk about anything you want to!! So, my friend Miranda "tagged" me and in response I answer these questions below:

Four jobs I've had:

1. Dunkin Donuts

2. Secretary
3. File Girl

4. Critical Care Registered Nurse

Four movies I've watched more than once:

1. Grease!

2. Pretty Woman

3. Dumb & Dumber

4. Big

Four places I've lived:

1. Owensboro, KY

2. Hopewell Junction, NY

3. Lynchburg, VA

4. Myrtle Beach, SC

Four TV Shows I watch:

1. American Idol

2. Jon & Kate plus 8

3. The Bachelor

4. The Biggest Loser

Four places I've been:

1. Ecuador

2. Cozumel, Mexico

3. Los Angeles, CA

4. DisneyWorld!

Four people who email me regularly:

1. My mom

2. with the daily dish!

3. K-Love with the daily scripture verse!

4. Occasionally friends from back home or from college

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Pizza

2. Ice Cream

3. Steak

4. Mexican food

Four places I would like to visit:

1. Hawaii

2. European tour

3. Israel

4. Alaska

Four things I'm looking forward to in the coming year:

1. The birth of our baby!

2. Learning the sex of our baby...but not until it's born!

3. Seeing our baby's face for the first time

4. And of course, visiting all our wonderful friends and family we have on a few trips we have planned this year!


Sara said...

You aren't finding out the sex until the baby is born!?! Wow, I said I was going to do that but the longer I was pregnant I couldn't wait. But hey, maybe you will be more patient than me!

Miranda said...

I didn't know that you watch John and Kate Plus 8!!! That is seriously my FAVORITE show. See...I guess you can learn new things about each other through these silly surveys :)