Thursday, May 29, 2008

15 weeks

On Tuesday, we had our 15 weeks doctor's appointment. Everything looked really good. The baby has a nice strong heart beat. The doctor tried to get a good ultrasound picture but the baby was facing the placenta. My next appointment will be a long ultrasound with measurements and all. I mentioned to the doctor that I feel like my heart is racing a lot. According to him and to the books and all that can be a normal feeling for a pregnant woman since your blood volume increases so much. He checked my pulse at the office and it was pretty high, so he checked some blood work and an EKG just to make sure. We don't know the results yet, but I know everything is fine. Even before I was pregnant I tended to have a higher heart rate, which makes it all the much higher when I am pregnant. I'm just learning not to worry so much, I know the Lord is in control and has me and the baby in the palm of His hand and we are both going to be healthy and strong throughout the rest of the pregnancy. Otherwise, I'm feeling really good these days. The nausea is mostly gone, except when I get really hungry I start to feel sick. I even have more energy lately. Stuffy nose and sinus problems are still an issue, but that's to be expected. I really can't wait to feel this little one move inside of me. I felt a few very faint feelings in the last couple weeks, but I'm not really sure yet if it's the baby that I'm feeling. Once I feel it more I'll know for sure. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as this little one is growing...and so am I!

Memorial Day Weekend

This year we all met at Tim and Heather's home near Richmond, VA. We had a really great time. We weren't able to come until Saturday around noon and we left Sunday it was short but sweet! Saturday the girls spent the afternoon together at the scrapbook place (yay!) while the guys went golfing. That night we went out to a Thai place for dinner and walked around at an outdoor mall, it was really nice. Sunday we went to Tim and Heather's church then had a cookout at there house. We had beautiful weather the whole weekend. As we get older and our lives get busier I'm so glad we still make time to get together several times throughout the year. I'm so thankful for this group of friends, they mean the world to me : ) The get-togethers are really gonna get interesting now as we all start having children, but it will be a blast! Sara really looks great as she's nearing the end of her pregnancy, and i'm actually feeling pretty good these days!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Weeks 12-13

Well, on my last post, I wanted to write all about the great time we had on our trip to New York, so i didn't want to mention much about how I've been feeling. So...I thought I'd do a separate post to talk about the pregnancy these past few weeks! Last time I posted about my pregnancy was week 11 and I was feeling much better and thought I was completely over the hump...well...not so much!! : ) I started getting sick again a few days before we went out of town and it continued throughout. It all started with me throwing up in the airport bathroom before we left, I thought.."this is going to be a long trip!" It wasn't too bad though. I did stay queasy quite a bit and threw up about 4 more separate times after that. I think a lot of it was just being out of my normal routine. No matter how hard I tried to stay on top of it, it wasn't always feasible for me to have a snack closeby whenever I needed one or to eat the things I was used to eating. Since we've been back though, I've been better. I still get queasy here and there, but not too bad. The picture above is a picture my mom took, I'm about 12 1/2 weeks at that point. As I'm writing this, I'm on the first day of my 13th week. I worked this whole past weekend and noticed a lot of weird aching, cramping and pulling sensations in my lower abdomen. I checked the books, the internet and asked everyone I knew, and they all assured me it was normal. I guess my uterus is just growing and causing some discomfort as the ligaments are pulling. However, this morning I called my doctor just to confirm one last time and he said the same thing : ) I know everything is fine and going along exactly as it should, but being my first pregnancy I'm feeling a lot of things I've never felt before! However, we are so thankful for our little one and continue to pray for God's hand over him or her as it grows more and more every week!

Danielle and James' Wedding / Trip home to New York

On May 2nd, we flew up to New York to be a part of one of my very best friend's, Danielle's, wedding! Danielle and James got married May 3 after I believe 9 years together! They are such a wonderful couple and great friends and we couldn't be happier for them. The wedding was absolutely beautiful. The ceremony was at a church in Long Island and the reception was on a boat that went out into the bay! Unfortunately, it was really cold that day, but the boat was closed in and it didn't put a damper on the fun at all. We had an absolute blast! It was so much fun dancing the night away with all my long time best girl friends all the way back from elementary school. The next day we went to Connecticut to spend the night with Sabreena and Kurt. We had a nice time relaxing with them and recovering from the past few days activities! On Monday we drove from there up to my brother Thomas and his wife Elise's house in Delmar, NY, near Albany. We got to spend some real quality time with the baby Thomas. He's almost 4 months old now and soooo cute!! I couldn't stop kissing his cheeks! He's such a sweet baby and we really enjoyed spending time with him, Thomas and Elise. On Tuesday, we drove to my parents house about 2 hours from Delmar and spent the night with them. It was great to see them and just relax before we headed back. Wednesday we flew back home and back to the real world!! Unfortunately, we forgot to bring our digital camera so I only have a few pictures that other people took : (