Monday, May 12, 2008

Weeks 12-13

Well, on my last post, I wanted to write all about the great time we had on our trip to New York, so i didn't want to mention much about how I've been feeling. So...I thought I'd do a separate post to talk about the pregnancy these past few weeks! Last time I posted about my pregnancy was week 11 and I was feeling much better and thought I was completely over the hump...well...not so much!! : ) I started getting sick again a few days before we went out of town and it continued throughout. It all started with me throwing up in the airport bathroom before we left, I thought.."this is going to be a long trip!" It wasn't too bad though. I did stay queasy quite a bit and threw up about 4 more separate times after that. I think a lot of it was just being out of my normal routine. No matter how hard I tried to stay on top of it, it wasn't always feasible for me to have a snack closeby whenever I needed one or to eat the things I was used to eating. Since we've been back though, I've been better. I still get queasy here and there, but not too bad. The picture above is a picture my mom took, I'm about 12 1/2 weeks at that point. As I'm writing this, I'm on the first day of my 13th week. I worked this whole past weekend and noticed a lot of weird aching, cramping and pulling sensations in my lower abdomen. I checked the books, the internet and asked everyone I knew, and they all assured me it was normal. I guess my uterus is just growing and causing some discomfort as the ligaments are pulling. However, this morning I called my doctor just to confirm one last time and he said the same thing : ) I know everything is fine and going along exactly as it should, but being my first pregnancy I'm feeling a lot of things I've never felt before! However, we are so thankful for our little one and continue to pray for God's hand over him or her as it grows more and more every week!


Miranda said...

I just love looking at your cute little bump! Don't worry about those feeling you are having... there will be alot more of those to come. I remember getting the worst pain around my belly button when my abs where seperating. I wonder if they will ever go back together??

Sara said...

Don't worry Amber! I did enough worrying for an army, especially during the first trimester. You will have many strange feelings over the next weeks. Sometimes the stretching can be painful but it is for a good cause. You look great! I can't wait to see you soon.