Today we had an appointment for a screening ultrasound. This one wasn't like before where they just take a quick look at the baby and listen to the heartbeat. This was an extensive ultrasound where the ultrasound tech checked for all the organs, hands and feet, facial features and measurements. We were so pleased to see that everything looked absolutely perfect on our baby. The organs that were supposed to be there were there, we saw two hands and two feet, a four chambered heart and a normal looking brain with correct measurements! I wasn't nervous because I knew our baby was healthy, it's just a load off to actually see that your baby has everything that it's supposed to! We were able to resist the temptation to find out the sex of our baby, so she stayed away from scanning that area. The doctor wasn't in the office today so we'll go back next week to see him. It was a really exciting experience for us to have seen what looked like just a "blob" 10 weeks ago to now look like an actual baby! We are so incredibly blessed and thankful to the Lord that everything looked really great on our ultrasound today. Now, that I'm almost halfway through I'm getting anxious to meet this little one!
1 comment:
You are such a nurse! It is just the cutest the things that you look for in an ultrasound...I LOVE IT! -M
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