Monday, November 3, 2008

Welcome to the World! - Isabelle Faith Pryce

Ready or not, here she comes! On Saturday, November 1st 2008 at 2:30 in the afternoon Jeremy and I welcomed our new baby girl into the world. She weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz. and 18 inches long...just a little peanut! My labor actually started on Friday when I was at work! I was having lower back pain starting Thursday night that continued on into Friday. It was a constant lower back ache that wouldn't ease off at all. I was telling everyone at work about the back pain and they all said "uh, oh you're gonna have that baby tonight." I insisted they were wrong and it was just aching from working and from the weight up front. I got home from work that night and the pain was getting worse and worse. When Jeremy got home from work that night I told him about the pain and it got to the point where it was almost unbearable, it would wrap around to the front and we could time those surges of pain to about every 5 minutes...we then decided it was time to get things checked out!! We arrived at the hospital about 2:3o am and got settled into the room. I thought for sure they would tell me I wasn't in labor yet and have some other explanation for the back pain. However, they monitored me for a while and realized I was already 3-4 cm. dilated and starting to progress! It was then that we knew we weren't leaving the hospital without a baby! I had already called my parents in NY and told them to get an earlier flight. The funny thing is, they already had scheduled to fly in that day and arrive at 1:30. Unfortunately, they weren't able to get an earlier flight, so I told my doctor right away that I couldn't deliver until my mom arrived to be in the delivery room with me! Of course, they had never seen a woman in labor who wanted to slow down their labor, but they understood and said they would do the best they could! I continued to dilate and progress on my own as the morning went on. I was starting to think my mom wouldn't make it!! The contractions at this point weren't too bad because it was all in my back and after a full day of it I was kind've used to the feeling! I got my epidural around 5-6 cm and was able to get a little rest at that point. Things started to really pick up again around 12:30 on Saturday afternoon and I knew my mom was in route. The pressure was so intense at this point and I was feeling strong contractions. I knew if I was going to wait to push I needed something to get my mind off of it. My sister, Jeremy and my mother-in-law were in the room at this point and I told them we had to play a game or do something to distract me. They immediately went into action and we started a roudy game of hangman! They were jumping around and being very animated and did a great job, because it worked! The plane arrived a little early and my mom was actually in my room at 1:30 sharp. At that point we started a little bit of preliminary pushing, but the real thing started around 2:00 and out she came at 2:30! There was a roar of cheers when she announced "it was a girl!" I know there would've been the same roar if it was a boy...but still SO exciting!! Overall, it was a really amazing experience and it went very smooth. Jeremy and I were just in awe of this miracle, it was a very emotional experience. Our little girl is so beautiful, and very healthy and strong. She came two weeks early and a little unexpected at that time, but we are so excited she is here. We brought her home today, Monday Nov. 3., and she's doing wonderful. She's feeding really really well and is such a joy. We are so thankful to God and give Him all the glory for giving us this beautiful, healthy baby girl. This whole experience is so surreal, and I'm not sure when it will sink in that we are parents! Above, are some pictures of our baby girl and I will keep them coming! Thanks to everyone who sent texts, and left messages, and everyone who was praying for us!


Miranda said...

Congrats guys! See is beautiful!! I can't wait to meet her soon :) - Miranda

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She IS beautiful. I hope that you are feeling well and enjoying your little girl! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

By the way... this is Melissa Hoffman :-)... Your birth story was great!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! We are so excited for you guys:) Can't wait to meet her!

Ryan, Stephanie, and Sadie said...

We are so happy for you guys!! She is so beautiful and we are glad you all are doing well! =)
-Ryan & Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Congrats Amber and Jeremy!! It is a wonderful feeling knowing that you had a hand in creating another human being! She is beautiful,I think she looks like Jeremy.
Jenn, PJ and Lilly