Saturday, December 20, 2008

The many faces of Isabelle

Isabelle is 7 weeks old today! We weighed her and she's reached the double digits...10 lbs! She's been doing great lately. We've learned that if she doesn't get enough sleep, she's a bear. So, we've made her naps a top priority. She continues to eat well and her personality is coming out more and more. As you can see in the pictures above, she's making a lot of different faces these days. She is also smiling and cooing a lot, especially when her daddy talks to her...I think she's gonna be a definite daddy's girl! We are so thankful to the Lord that our baby is healthy, happy and growing.


Miranda said...

she is such a cutie! I can't wait to kiss those little cheeks :)

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable!!!!

Ryan, Stephanie, and Sadie said...

How precious!!! She is such a cutie!