Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back to work

Sadly, my maternity leave has come to an end : ( Monday was my first day back to work. At first, I felt like a fish out of water, but quickly got back into the swing of things. I missed my Isabelle like crazy, but knew she was in great hands with Jeremy. It's going to take a little while for all three of us to get into this new routine, but soon enough it will be like second nature. Fortunately, both of our jobs agreed to give us set schedules so we could coordinate Jeremy having his days off on the days I work. As of now, I'll be working every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Jeremy's days off will be Monday and Thursday. On Saturdays when I'm working he'll be with the baby most of the day and we'll arrange for someone to watch her just from 5:30 when he has to go into work until 7:00 when I get off. My sister said she could watch her, and we also have Jeremy's brother and his wife, and friends who could watch her that short time as well. We are so blessed to not have to send our baby to daycare, and even though they are long days I'm glad I only work three days a week. Jeremy and Isabelle's first long day together went pretty well. She's taking bottles better for him. However, she's going through a phase where she will only take naps of 20-30 minutes sometimes. When she doesn't nap well she gets pretty cranky, so we're praying this phase is over! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that happens to also be an amazing daddy. Please pray for us in these next couple of weeks as we adjust to our new schedules! The picture above is my sweet Isabelle and her cute grin that I can't wait to see when I get home from work!


bowse216 said...

Oh that adjustment may take longer than you think! I am thankful that Mary ("Mimi") is able to watch Lilly and I dont have to send her to day care! Lilly is finally getting into a routine and then when the weekends come and she is home with us, she seems to be a stinker! Take care it does get easier! She's looking more and more like you Amber!

Sara said...

I hate to tell you this but Marisa did the cat napping until she was 5 months old and she still does once a day now. I hope Isaboo is better than Marisa! She is so cute by the way! After seeing her for a few days, I really miss her. I love to hear her mini cry and see her sweet little smiles. No wonder you miss her during the day...she is so precious! We missed you at the shower! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I love her sweet look in that picture! What a precious girl you guys have!!! Give her a huge kiss and hug from me:)