Monday, May 11, 2009

Visit with Thomas, Elise and baby Thomas

Picture of the grandkids

Sweet Thomas

Fun at the pool!


The week before last my brother Thomas, his wife Elise and their little boy Thomas came down for a visit. We loved having them in town and had a really great time with them. The weather was beautiful and we spent a lot of time at the beach and pool. Thomas celebrated his 30th birthday while in Myrtle Beach and we had a barbecue. We also somehow managed to get Isabelle, Thomas, Robert and Karli all together and got pictures made at Sears for my mom for mother's day. Isabelle met her Aunt Elise and cousin Thomas for the first time and we got to spend some quality time with baby Thomas. He's such a sweet little boy and we had so much fun with him. He's walking now and saying a few words. He loves to be rough and is all boy, but can also be such a lovebug. Elise is about 6 months pregnant with their second child...a little girl expected to arrive in early August. I love baby Thomas so much, and can't wait to see my new niece. I love my brother, his wife and my nephew so much. I was so sad to see them go. However, our visits are so special and we're definitely going to make them as frequent as possible. Love you guys!

1 comment:

Heather said...

wow, those are some beautiful babies....sorry little Robert, I know you're not a baby...okay, beautiful kids:)