Friday, June 5, 2009

7 Months old!

On June 1st, our precious baby girl turned 7 months old. This has been quite a month for Isabelle...and us too! When she turned 6 months old we started baby food, but ended up taking a break from it 3 weeks later. She started out doing ok with it the first few days, but then decided she wants nothing to do with it!! She would turn her head away, squeeze her lips tight, and even push our hand away! The whole experience became so traumatic, we decided we would take a break from it for a while and try again later. She's still on breastmilk, so we were assured that was all she really needed for her nutrition anyway. As far as sleeping goes, she usually takes 3 naps a day, one long one and 2 other catnaps. Much to our dismay, Isabelle still is not sleeping through the night!! We've tried many techniques all to no avail. I'm still not sure if she's truly hungry when she wakes up, or just wants to nurse for comfort. Hopefully, a full nights sleep will come very soon!! Our sweet baby has become so curious lately. She grabs at EVERYTHING within arms reach! She loves to explore and grab at things around her, and of course everything goes right to her mouth. She continues to drool like a faucet and chew on everything, but still no teeth. Isabelle is becoming more fun everyday. She's laughing all the time now and loves to play. She continues to smile almost constantly, especially when she sees me or totally melts our hearts! We're so thankful for our sweet baby. Please pray for her continued growth and health in the months to come.

1 comment:

Sara said...

She is just so adorable! Don't worry Marisa didn't start sleeping through the night until she was 7 1/2 months old and that was after some really, really bad nights! Hopefully Isaboo will catch on to the sleeping and eating thing really soon. And yes, she will be getting into everything very soon. Marisa just loves to pull everything out of wherever it is. I will be glad when she can help clean up. Love and miss you guys!