Wednesday, July 1, 2009

8 Months Old!

Today our precious baby girl turned 8 months old. I know I sound like a broken record, but I truly can't believe it's been 8 months already since she's been born. This past month has been a really big one for Isabelle...and for us too! Last month Isabelle was completely weaned from breastfeeding and she started sleeping through the night!! YAY!!! The beginning of the month started a little rough as we were trying to transition her to formula. She was actually throwing up quite often and having trouble with it. We took her to the doctor and learned she had acid reflux. After starting her on some medication, she's now drinking up the formula like a champ! We started reintroducing solid foods this past week, and she's doing okay with it. We learned that we have a very independent little girl and does not like being fed by a spoon. So, we've been experimenting with a lot of different finger foods that she can feed herself. It's so freeing for me to be done breastfeeding. I loved giving her the very best nutrition she could get, but working a full time job the pumping just got to be too much. I figured nearly 8 months of breastmilk was pretty good. As far as sleeping through the night, I prayed and prayed that she would just start doing it on her own without having to take any drastic measures like letting her cry....and praise God my prayer was answered!! She just gradually woke up less and less until she would sleep usually a full 12 hours. Her naps have gotten pretty consistent and we have a pretty rigid schedule now. As far as teething, she's still drooling like a faucet and chewing on everything in sight, but still no teeth. She's started "scooching" all over the place, but not officially crawling yet. However, when she sees something she wants, she does whatever she needs to do to get to it! All in all, it's been a great month and we look forward to the new adventures this next month will hold as she's getting more and more mobile!


Sara said...

She is getting so big! Don't worry about the teething thing. Marisa was "teething" from the time she was 5 months until finally she got her first tooth at 11 months. Congratulations for finishing breastfeeding, it is so freeing and you did great for 8 months, you should be proud! My heart goes out to you about the relux, that is terrible stuff. I'm glad the medicine is working. She still looks super happy and she is such a beautiful little girl.

Miranda said...

Wow...this was a big month! Congrats to you for 8 months of breastfeeding :) As far as the feeding thing goes, Miller did the same darn thing and only wanted to feed himself but couldn't deal with food that was too thick, we ended up just letting him get his fingers dirty...what a sweet little girl you have :)