Wednesday, February 3, 2010

15 months old

Monday, February 1st marked Isabelle's 15 month mark. Isabelle has changed so much in these last three months since her first birthday. Isabelle now is completely on table food, and is sporting 6 teeth. She actually eats A LOT, you wouldn't think that from how tiny she is! She eats 3 meals a day and snacks in between. She loves her fruits and veggies, and pretty much will only feed herself. She's so independent these days and wants to feed herself, brush her own teeth and anything else she thinks she doesn't need help with!! About a month ago, Isabelle transitioned over completely to 1 nap per day. Although we miss the free time with the extra nap, it does give more flexibility to our day. She goes down after lunch around 12:30 and sleeps about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. She's sleeping well at night too, from about 7:30 to 7:30. Another amazing accomplishment happened a couple weeks ago when we got her completely off bottles. She's drinking all her fluids in her sippy cup now and doing very well with it...we definitely don't miss cleaning all of those bottles! Probably the biggest thing that happened in these last three months is Isabelle official became a walker. She started taking a few steps during her 13 month. Around 14 1/2 months she started really cruising around. The past couple weeks, she walks about 80% of the time. The other 20% she walks around on her knees! Silly girl, I guess it makes her feel more stable. Her vocabulary has really grown as well. She's saying Dada constantly, but also duck, hi, eyes, hot, what and occasionally byebye. For some reason she refuses to say mama...I think my stubborn little girl won't say it because she knows I want her to!! For the last few months, Isabelle has really gotten more interaction with other babies. During the week she's in the nursery at church, with the kids at our Life Group meetings, and in the children's program at my Bible study. I think all the exposure has brought on more colds, but the interaction has been really good for her. She likes playing with the kids. Today was her 15 month appointment. She's tipping the scales at 18lbs. 10oz and 30 inches long. As always, she's very petite, but still healthy. I know this is getting long, but a lot happened in her little life in 3 short months! She is such a blessing to our lives and we thank God every day for our sweet angel!


Sara said...

She is too cute! It is kind of sad thinking about how quickly our baby's are growing up! Marisa didn't say mommy for real until like a month ago but when they are upset or tired they want their mommy so we are definitly needed!

Miranda said...

what a big girl! can't wait to see her walking around :)

Heather said...

she has such a sweet smile!!!! Our babies are getting SO big!!!!!!