Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Almost 2....

Isabelle loves kitty cats lately...she calls them "meows"

Here we go Steelers!

Isabelle absolutely loves when I push a chair up to the counter and let her "help" me :)

Adores her big cousin Karli...this was taken after we went to the Dixie Stampede, they had a blast!

I can't believe that in a little over a month, my baby girl will be 2 years old!! It can't be true!! As this bittersweet moments nears, I can't help but to reflect on how much she has grown up this past year. She is talking like crazy, she'll repeat you and say anything you ask her to. She's putting several words together now and she's doing really well with her numbers and letters. She loves to dance and sing songs, and she's really starting to develop an imagination. I feel like I say this about every age, but I'm really enjoying her at the age she is now and so wish that I could freeze time! We have so much fun playing together and she is constantly making us laugh. However, the "terrible twos" are definitely rearing their head, but we're dealing with it :) She's definitely a very strong willed child (aparantly I was the same way at her age!) but she has a very sweet and sensitive side as well. We thank the Lord every day for our precious Isabelle


Heather said...

Seriously, the time goes by TOO fast! Izzy looks super cute in black!! I bet that is not a color they make a lot of little girl clothes in, but she can rock it! :)

Sara said...

She is so cute! I love the cheer leading outfit!