Friday, February 18, 2011

It's a BOY!!

During the ultrasound the doctor switched over to 4d mode for a minute and we saw his face with his little hand up to this precious!

Here is a butt shot. On top is his little booty with legs on both sides and his "boy parts" in the middle. We had our appointment a week ago and we still can't believe it's actually a boy, we are so very excited! It was just a regular checkup appointment, but the doctor did a quick little ultrasound for fun and the baby was very cooperative and showed his stuff right away! The doctor said everything looks great and we'll have our big anatomy ultrasound in a couple more weeks. We are so thankful to the Lord for blessing us with a precious baby boy.

Here is a belly shot of me around 17 1/2 weeks. As I write this I'm 18 weeks and I swear I've grown in just the last few days! I've been feeling the baby move some for a few weeks now. I'm excited for the upcoming weeks as I know I will feel him more and more. I've been feeling pretty good lately. I had the flu a few weeks ago and had a lingering cough that just wouldn't go away. From coughing so hard and so long I developed pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the lining of the lung. Unfortunately, the treatment is anti-inflammatory medication, which I can't take because I'm preganant. Pleurisy has been extremely painful with deep breathing, coughing and certain movements. I've had it now for a week and a half and it's definitely getting better, but not all the way gone. Over time it will heal more and more. After the pleurisy is gone I'm claiming a smooth pregnancy the rest of the way!


Heather said...

YAY!!! How fun that you guys are going to have a little boy! We're so excited for you:)

Sara said...

You look great! I am excited to meet this little guy! I hope you are feeling better!