Thursday, May 5, 2011

28 weeks!

Welcome third trimester!! Obviously, my baby and I are growing and growing! I continue to feel pretty good, despite the expected aches and pains of pregnancy. Like I've said, work has been super busy and I'm really tired and sore from it, but we're dealing with it ok. I still don't think Isabelle truly understands what's going to happen in a few short months, but she seems to already love her baby brother. We're excited to meet our new baby boy, but still have tons to do before he gets here! Thankfully, family is coming into town and we'll get a chance to get some work done. e Please continue to pray for our baby boy to continue to grown healthy and strong.


Heather said...

hey momma! You look great! For curiosity I went back to see your 28 week with! You are definitely showing differently this time! Maybe it's the whole "boy/girl" thing? I am glad you've been feeling good!

Sara said...

Glad you guys are doing well and hopefully we can catch up for that chat. Miss you!