Isabelle has started her summer gymnastics program and she LOVES it! The last session was a mommy and me, but since she's potty trained she goes to a class where I drop her off and pick her up. It's only an hour, but I'm proud of her for being such a big girl and following directions in her class. I have a friend whose son is in the class and we get some mommy time to hang out for an hour! Afterwards, we usually go out to lunch with the kids.
She's such a helper girl! She loves to help us cook and clean. I really think she's going to be a big helper when baby brother comes along.
So prissy!!!
This is Izzy with her new toys the "paci fairy" left her in the morning after her first night without her paci. We had been talking about leaving her pacis for the paci fairy to take to give to all the little babies who needed them. We picked the day this was going to happen and kept talking about it until the day arrived. She would listen intently as I explained that she's a big girl now who doesn't need pacis so she needs to leave them for the paci fairy to take to give the little babies. Afterwards, she would start protesting saying "No, Izzy's pacis!!" So, needless to say, I was nervous when it was really going to happen. We were doing our normal nighttime routine, when she remembered her pacis and actually ran out and grabbed one out of the basket we had put them in. Jeremy and I laid in bed with her for a little while and talked some more about it. She then took a few more sucks, handed her paci to her daddy, and followed him as he brought it back to the basket. She came back to bed and with a big smile said "No Izzy need pacis no more!!" She was proud of herself and we were too :) She mentioned her pacis a few times the days following , but not anymore. So proud of our big girl!! We had three goals before the new baby arrives...potty train, switch to a big girl bed, and get rid of pacis. Our sweet Izzy accomplished all three!
Izzy vacuuming with Mommy!!
I know Isabelle is going to be a wonderful big sister. The baby's not even here yet and I'm already feeling the guilt of not being able to give her as much attention!! However, I'm confident it will all work out and she will feel just as loved as she always has.
She is such a big girl now!!!! I know Izzy is going to LOVE her little brother and be such a good big sister:)
Such a big girl! We are so proud of you Izzy!
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